Kylie Hoke
Palmyra, PA - Encounter Church of Palmyra
School / Community Involvement
– Lacrosse
– National Honor Society
– Study Buddies
– Youth Group
– Young Life
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– Pride Award (character based award)
– Woman of the Month (Hummelstown Women’s Club)
– Science Honor Society
– Spanish Honor Society
Career Goal: Labor & Delivery Nurse
GPA: 3.66
College: Biola University
“As a student, Kylie has demonstrated the ability to comprehend complex material and write about it in an insightful and articulate manner. Kylie’s prodigious strengths as a student are nicely complemented by her strength of character. Kylie is a young woman of great integrity. She is gifted in so many ways, yet she maintains a humble heart. She has no sense of entitlement. Rather, she evinces a spirit of service and gratitude. Kylie is a young woman who I respect utterly as both a student and a human being. †Jason F. Keiner, D.Ed. , English Teacher
Ryan Moreau
Vernon, CT - First Congregational Church of Vernon
School / Community Involvement
– Marching Band
– FCCV Youth Group
– Math Team
– Model UN
– As Schools Match Wits
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
–French Award
– National Honor Society
– WPI Math Award
– Band Varsity Letter
– Tennis Varsity Letter
Career Goal: To become a Pharmacist
GPA: 96.52
College: University of Connecticut
“ This past year, I have seen Ryan further develop as a musician and a person. He is always prepared for rehearsals and clearly sets an expectation of diligence, dedication, and focus for himself and for his fellow band members. As Drum Major, Ryan leads extra rehearsals, communicates with the band, organizes events, and demonstrates passion through his own efforts. What most impresses me about Ryan is his compassion and empathy for other students. His ability to communicate and relate with his peers shows how deep his consideration for others truly is.†Laura Ayer, Band Director
Desiree Lucas
Roselle Park, NJ - Christ Community Church
School / Community Involvement
– Interact Club
– Union Softball/Roselle Park Softball
– Sunday School Teacher
– Dance Ministry
– SCM Youth Ministry
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– Service Award
– Union County College for Teens
– Financial Literacy Program
– Honor Roll
– National Academy of Future Scientists & Technologists
Career Goal: Elementary School Teacher
GPA: 3.7
College: TBD
“Desiree is an excellent student and often brings up insightful and thought provoking questions and comments to class discussions. Desiree always strives to make the work she completes valuable by not simply focusing on completion and scores, but finding the essential question and understanding its importance. She is always prompt and respectful, well-organized and determined. Desiree is truly passionate about the work she completes and is driven and motivated to succeed.†Alison Robinson, English Teacher

Amanda Mazza
Colonia, NJ - St. John Vianney
School / Community Involvement
– Ski & Snowboard Club
– Soccer Team
– Student Council
– Peer Leadership Program
– Future Business Leaders of America
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– Honor Roll Status
– Spanish Honor Society
– National Honor Society
– Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society
– Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society
Career Goal: Business
GPA: 4.0
College: TBD
“I have found Amanda to be a very kind, sincere, dedicated, helpful, reliable, efficient, self-disciplined, and extremely independent young woman. Her dedication to the community demonstrates her caring nature, commitment, and superior leadership ability. Her intended major is in the area of business, for which she has begun to prepare herself for by enrolling in the most challenging math and business courses, including two New Jersey Institute of Technology courses this year. Overall, Amanda’s intelligence, ambition, and multitasking ability provide me with the confidence that she will prove successful in a rigorous undergraduate program, as well as in her future career.†Linda Bowler, School Counselor

Julia Ackerman
Point Pleasant, NJ - Manasquan Presbyterian Church
School / Community Involvement
– Youth Group
– Class Officer
– Varsity Swim Team
– Key Club
– National Honor Society
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– National Honor Society
– Student of the Month
– High Honor Roll
– Varsity Swim Team MVP
– Athlete of the Season
Career Goal: Speech Pathologist and Hearing Specialist
GPA: 96
College: Arizona State University
“Julia is a student who can not be catalogued merely by excellent achievement. She is also a fine athlete, leader and community member. As her academic history will attest Julia is the type of student who will do well in any collegiate environment. As a teacher and counselor for over 34 years I can truly say that she is one of the finest students and citizens to ever attend Point Pleasant Borough High School. She has constantly demanded much of herself and has met all her responsibilities, in school, job, sports, and family activities. †William Moore, Guidance Counselor
Pamela Karabeinikoff
Meriden, CT - St. Dominic’s Church
School / Community Involvement
– Cross Country
– Outdoor Track
– Spanish Honor Society
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– Spanish Excellence
– Honor Roll
– Sage College Award
Career Goal: Elementary School Teacher
GPA: 4.25
College: TBD
“Pam has always challenged herself in the honors program where she is an honor roll student ranked fourteenth in her class. In the three years she has been in my class, she has never missed an assignment. She is a model of consistency and reliability. I have witnessed Pam’s ability, strong work ethic, and conscientious attitude on a regular basis. She is a hard-working, responsible young lady, who works to her potential at all times. She is always polite and well-mannered while maintaining her focus and drive. †Thomas Wodatch, Math Teacher

Surina Chock
Lyndhurst, NJ - Most Holy Name Church
School / Community Involvement
– Dance Group Leader
– Band
– Altar Server
–Habitat for Humanity Volunteer
– Mini Med/ Pre-Med Honor Program
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– Top 10% of class
– National Honor Society
– Youth Ministry Recognition
Career Goal: Doctor (Pediatrician)
GPA: 4.2
College: Fairleigh Dickinson University
“ Surina is a serious and conscientious student. I always noted that Surina had an intellectual curiosity that was not seen in many high-school students. Surina asked tremendous questions and was excellent at problem solving when answering higher-level critical thinking questions. Her rigorous schedule features a wide variety of AP and Honors courses. Her dedication in the classroom is equally matched with her desire to help others. Surina shows concern for others in the classroom and in the wider community. This important trait will help her accomplish her goal of studying medicine and being able to help others.†Ed Tessalone, History Teacher

Minasdine Rene
Stamford, CT - Ansonia Gospel Assembly
School / Community Involvement
– Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field
– Ansonia’s Youth Association Violin Instructor
– Stamford Public Education Foundation Mentor
– Advancement Club
– BuildOn (Community Service Organization)
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– National Honor Society
– Tri-M Music National Honor Society
– Stamford Public Education Foundation
– Stamford High School Pride Award
– BuildOn Summer Service Corps
Career Goal: Physician Assistant
GPA: 3.8
College: St. John’s University
“Mina is involved in track, various clubs, and music and with all of this she still maintains a strong GPA. Coming from Haiti, after the earthquake moved Mina to make the most of her education and opportunities in America. She has grown tremendously in the time I have known her and I am excited to see what the future holds for Mina. Mina is full of energy and she brings that energy to everything she does, which makes her an active participant in the classroom, extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports. She truly is a “bright light†and has a great deal to offer.†Gina M. Figliuzzi, Stamford High Teacher

Evelyn Hernandez
Zarephath Christian Church- Zarephath, NJ
School / Community Involvement
– SGA Secretary 2014-2015
– SGA Vice President 2016-2017
– Youth Group Leader
– Children’s Ministry
– Camp Orchard Hill Counselor
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– Dean’s List
– SGA Award
– Zarephath Get Connected Class Certificate
Career Goal: Social worker and work with urban youth
GPA: 3.0
College: Pillar College
“Evelyn turns in solid work and participates very well in class. Ms.Hernandez was also elected Vice President of the Student Government Association of Pillar College due to her proven leadership skills and Christian character.Ms. Hernandez has demonstrated growth as a student and especially as a woman of God. I have witnessed tremendous growth in her faith in spite of very difficult obstacles. Ms. Hernandez lives in the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, And self-control that God desires for us.†Russ Wills- Associate Faculty (Pillar College)

Daniel Herrington
- Point Pleasant, NJ - Sacred Heart Church
School / Community Involvement
– National Honor Society
– Altar Service at Sacred Heart Church
– Class Vice President
– Varsity Ice Hockey
– Mentor for the Brick Stars Challenger Ice Hockey Team
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– AP Scholar Award
– NJYHL Championship First Place: 2016
– Letter of Recognition on behalf of the Brick Stars
– 2016 - 2017 Homecoming Court
– National Honor Society
Career Goal: Work for the Federal Government
GPA: 97.25
College:The George Washington University
“Resourceful, driven, self-motivated, and ethical are adjectives that come to mind to describe this young person of character. As a matter of fact, I have never had a more focused and driven student in all my 17 years as a school counselor.In addition to all of his academic involvement, Daniel still finds time to volunteer with the Brick Stars and the Schroth School - both involving students with disabilities.He is an amazing combination of gentle compassion, serious focus, and an incredible desire and ability for a rigorous course of study. †Karen Luicci, Guidance Counselor
Charity Hammond
Cornerstone Christian Center- Hamden, CT
School / Community Involvement
– Chinese Club
– Mercy Ambassador Team
– Track & Field
– Justice & Peace Club
– Peer Ministry
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– First Honors
– President's Volunteer Service Award
Career Goal: Sports Physical Therapy
GPA: 3.22
College: University of Connecticut
“Charity Hammond is one of the most delightful young women I have known in my 50 years in education...She is a delicate blend of scholar and athlete, leader and server with extraordinary creative talent that makes everything she does more interesting. She is sensitive, compassionate, humble, and non-judgmental. Charity is a strong, independent young woman with a wonderful sense of humor. She has demonstrated her commitment to our school by participating in a variety of clubs, activities, and volunteer service projects. †– Carolyn B Garofoli, School Counselor

Nicholas Zack
Corpus Christi Parish- Chatham, NJ
School / Community Involvement
– Children’s Specialized Hospital
– Church Pumpkin Patch Sale/ Display
– Parish Picnic
– ECLC Charity Basketball Game
– Varsity Football Game
– PULP Literary Magazine
– Spirit Club
Awards / Special Honors / Distinctions
– National Honor Society
– Spanish National Honor Society
– Honor Roll/ High Honor Roll
– Second Team All-Conference (football)
Career Goal: Business Degree/ Philanthropist
GPA: 4.2
“Nick is an amazing student, and he leads by example because he is both an independent and collaborative worker. While his own learning process is important to him, he values the collaborative aspect even more because he sees the relevance of these skills in the real world. He has an appreciation for all subject areas, however courses centered around math and science have intrigues him the most, as he hopes to incorporate them into higher levels of study.†Lisa Kool-Behr- School Counselor